Having finished the model I took it to the photography studio area. I knew I wanted to take clean photos with a white background that I could use to make a magazine cover to completely fulfill the brief. I wasn’t certain how to start with the photos however I set up the lights and tableContinue reading “Week 19: PHOTOGRAPHY AND MAGAZINE COVER”

Week 18 and 19: PROGRESS REPORT 6 (Painting and Problem Solving)

Having spray primed one side of the model pieces on Friday, I was very ahead of schedule and realized I could spend extra time getting the finish perfect over this week. I noticed a few issues with some of the models having primed half of them and so decided to sand them back and addContinue reading “Week 18 and 19: PROGRESS REPORT 6 (Painting and Problem Solving)”

Week 17: PROGRESS REPORT 5 (Making and Problem Solving)

This week I decided to tackle the cheese and onions which I knew I could easily laser cut and fabricate. I used my previously made laser cut files to create these aspects. I sanded the edges of each piece and rounded the material to make sure they weren’t sharp and looked softer much like aContinue reading “Week 17: PROGRESS REPORT 5 (Making and Problem Solving)”

Week 16: PROGRESS REPORT 4 (Making and Problem Solving)

This week I continued making by starting with the burger bun, continuing the cow sculpt and creating the tomatoes. I sanded down the burger bun having added a layer of primer using a 320 grit sand paper, I added a second layer of primer and repeated this again. I decided to use a filler primerContinue reading “Week 16: PROGRESS REPORT 4 (Making and Problem Solving)”

Week 15: PROGRESS REPORT 3 (Refinement and Making)

I started this week by tackling the burger bun and cow, arguably the most important parts of the model. I took 2 pieces of orange foam stock, roughly the depth I wanted and drew 140mm circles on them; one for the top and one for the bottom. I used the bandsaw to cut out theContinue reading “Week 15: PROGRESS REPORT 3 (Refinement and Making)”

Week 14: PROGRESS REPORT 2 (Sketches, Drawing and Model Plan)

I decided to research into how food models are made for adverts, shop window and various other places to figure out how to make the burger. I had already thought of sculpting and casting the cow so I could control exactly the shape and size as well as the detail I would need for it.Continue reading “Week 14: PROGRESS REPORT 2 (Sketches, Drawing and Model Plan)”

Week 13: PROGRESS REPORT 1 (Refinement and Sketching)

I was unsure where to start with the designing process and so chose to simply draw animals hoping it would draw inspiration from my research. I decided to draw farm animals as they are one of the most obvious anti-vegan symbols. I started with a pig, thinking about pork, bacon and sausages which made meContinue reading “Week 13: PROGRESS REPORT 1 (Refinement and Sketching)”


I started my research by creating a mind map of all the topics I could potentially create the article model from. I narrowed these ideas down so I could fully research my topic and gain more insight into it. https://earthlinged.org/ During my research I came across an activist called Ed Winters who is a meatContinue reading “Week 12: IDEATION AND INITIAL RESEARCH”

Week 11: 3D PRINTING

We have 3 types of 3D printers on campus which are SLA printers, FDM printers, SLS printers. These 3 types of printers although similar looking on the surface can complete different types of models for different purposes and all have their own specialties as well as drawbacks. https://puzzlebox3d.com/blogs/news/3d-printing-technology-comparison-fdm-vs-sla-vs-sls . SLA PRINTING The Form printers canContinue reading “Week 11: 3D PRINTING”

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